A Minimalist

and here is one of her minimal kingdoms

A Minimalist

and here is one of her minimal kingdoms

A Minimalist


My Big Moon

Monday, 11 Mordad 1400، 12:28 AM
We live in an age of Big: Big Computers, Big Data, and Big Lies.

When I cannot get rid of this country and this fucked-up civilization, I'm trying to escape from the news and live in my imaginary world where everybody is planting a plant. Where I'm feeding my pet, while it's spring and green, where I'm going out to fruit picking and at the end of the day, lay down on the grass and watch the sunset behind the mountains and jungle. 

موافقین ۵ مخالفین ۰ 00/05/11
Ftme | فطمِ

نظرات  (۲)

13 Mordad 00 ، 12:27 کتابی (م)
I'm super glad that your blog is updated.
the photos are amazing! I love them.
ghorboonet thank youu ;)
23 Dey 00 ، 23:40 آقای آبی
دختر مینیمال با افکار دوست داشتنی :)

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